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Last term Ochiltree took part in lots of upcycling projects and today was their final project as they hosted a pre-loved clothing event. They worked very hard to sort and lay out all the clothes, then today everyone had a job to do such as greeting the visitors and manning the stalls. This event also ... Continue reading Pre-loved clothing event →


Lammermuir have been busy bees since coming back from the Christmas break. We have had lots of fun activities arranged around our topics of Winter, Robert Buns, Chinese New Year and Valentines. For our Winter topic, we made snowman sensory bags, played with real snow in the garden, made our own snow and also explored ... Continue reading Topic, Topic Topic! →


Last week 3 of our pupils attended the ASN Boccia and Curling Festival run by Active Schools with the college students at West Lothian College. We took part in lots of different stations to develop our throwing and rolling skills, and had lots of fun!


Sorry we are a bit late putting our review of term 2 on the blog and hope that all our families and friends had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Glendevon enjoyed all of the additional festive experiences including the performance, parties, Christmas garden and winter musical parade. As always we have been working hard ... Continue reading Term 2 in Glendevon →


What a busy term we have had in Hopetoun class, there has been lots of lovely learning on display as well as lots of fun activities. This term we have been learning all about "my favourite sound" and we put quite a few of these together into our Christmas show with recording of some of ... Continue reading Winter term in Hopetoun →


Another term goes past in a flash! What a fantastic term we have had in Lomond going on a bear hunt and experiencing lots of different sensories. It has been such a fun topic for all of us and the children have enjoyed participating in all the different activities. We finished up with a sensory ... Continue reading Lomond Term 2 →


We have been really busy this term doing lots of fun things for Christmas. We have all worked so hard on our Nativity performance. Everyone look fantastic in their costumes and they all used their switches independently at the appropriate time too! We have been doing lots of Christmas crafting and Christmas cooking. We made ... Continue reading Christmas in Lammermuir! →


As always Duntarvie have had a jam packed and fun term and we can't quite believe it is almost Christmas already! After our harvest fundraising cafe we have been busy shopping every week to buy items for the West Lothian foodbank. We delivered it all last week and managed to collect a whopping 62.2kgs in ... Continue reading Duntarvie End of Term round up →


We just want to give a huge thanks to the West Lothian Council Community Payback Team. They donated us a beautiful Christmas garden that they made themselves from scratch. We are so grateful and appreciative of the amount of work that went into this. This has made our lovely outdoor grounds even more special this ... Continue reading Christmas Garden donated by Community Payback Team →


We've had another super busy term in Ochiltree and we're all definitely ready for our Christmas break! This term we've been working really hard developing our communication skills and have been enjoying lots of opportunities to use these across the school using our individual communication aids to deliver lots of messages. One of our favourite ... Continue reading Ochiltree Term 2 →


What a fantastic term we have had here in Pentland! The pupils have been exploring hydrotherapy and pool play sessions and have increased in confidence and skills while having so much fun. We have also been busy with our fashion topic and have loved exploring all the different costumes and materials. We engaged well with ... Continue reading Term 2 in Pentland Class →


We have been very busy over the last few weeks in Lammermuir. We have been collecting toys for River Kids toy appeal so that children all over West Lothian will have a toy to open this Christmas. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated. Our class went and delivered all the toys this week and ... Continue reading Toy Appeal →

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