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Music with Gordon 25 June

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Not all of the activities are for everyone, so just do the ones you enjoy and as many times as you like.

Play along using any kind of instrument or use body percussion – clapping, tapping, clicking, stamping your feet.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello Song
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Bounce a favourite soft toy on a scarf as we sing Charlie Over the Ocean
  4. Sing and clap along to 123 Together and Hickory Dickory Dock
  5. Clap and join in with your own soft toy for Yoshi Whoops!
  6. Junk instruments: What can you find that sounds like rain?
  7. Sing along and join in with I Hear Thunder
  8. Sing along and join in with Rain Rain Go Away
  9. Jam along, sing and do the actions to Funga Alafia
  10. Time to move. Play the instruments along to the video or get up and dance as we revisit some songs from earlier in the year.
  11. Time to relax. Two relaxing pieces of music that we listened to earlier in the year
  12. Goodbye Song

Hello Song

It’s a time to settle down for some music and there are lots of ways to join in. Use it on its own or before doing another music activity.

  1. Join in and sing, clap, tap and move along to the song!
  2. Maybe you can try using your voice
  3. Sign hello
  4. Tap fast and slow
  5. Sign “Stop” at the end
  6. Have fun!


Hello, hello
Very nice to see you
Hello hello,
How are you today?
Hello, hello
Very nice to see you
Hello hello,
How are you today?
We say “Hello”
We’re very pleased to see you
We say “Hello”

(can you say and sign hello?)

We say “Hello”
We’re very pleased to see you
We say “Hello”

(tap along with the music, sign “Stop” at the end)

More ideas with this video

  • If you can’t tap along, maybe a friend can tap your arm or foot for you so that you can feel the beat of the music.
  • Can you stamp your feet to the music? Can you tap your shoulders or your head? Move your fingers
  • Maybe try playing along with a shaker, or tap something that makes a sound that you like. A box of cereal?

Bounce and Catch

Sing and join in: Charlie Over the Ocean

Sing and clap: 123 Together

Sing and join in: Hickory Dickory Dock

Sing and join in: Yoshi Whoops!

What can you find that sounds like rain?

Sing and join in: I Hear Thunder


Sing and join in: Rain Rain Go Away

Clap and play along: Cho-co-la-te

Play and clap: Funga Alafia

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax


Goodbye Song


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