Ochiltree 2020 - 2021
It is so nice to be back at school and to see everyone who is in Ochiltree this year. We are not seeing too much of anyone else in the school at the moment but hopefully in time we will be able to get together soon.
I hope you all managed to have some kind of summer holiday and enjoyed your time together as a family.
The Ochiltree family has already had a few changes but for the moment the class team consists of:
Sandra (Class Teacher) and Catherine (Teacher), Anna, Gina, Shonet and Jacqueline who are all enjoying supporting and encouraging Luca, Aria, William, Stanley, Rylie and Vanessa.
We have been having a busy start to the term participating and experiencing different activities – Making our Class Charter and our Birthday Display as well as starting our Whole School Topic ‘Story Land’.
It has been great fun and we have enjoyed the stories: ‘Poo in the Zoo’ and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. There are more stories to come so we are looking forward to what is next.
Have a look at some of the photos of what we have been up to.