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Lomond have been busy Beatlie bees

We have been extremely busy in Lomond class with science and engineering week- making a ball machine that activates a bubble blower, making  boats for the water tray outside and created a snack train. Not to mention Fairtrade fortnight activities and Easter too.

For Comic relief we explored red in sensory play which everyone enjoyed, dressed up as super heros and carried out a hunt for red noses around Craigshill.  Madison loved ticking off the noses we found on the checklist while Tommy and Angel spotted the noses.

DING DING!! We have also been developing our cycling skills this term out and around in the community of Craigshill. Madison has developed her confidence in cycling outside on the bike. Tommy and Angel are enjoying cycling independently and they are starting to learn how to steer the bike. We will continue with developing their skills next term. Well done Lomond!


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