Ochiltree Term 3
Can you believe the time of year already!!!!
It just shows you how time flies when you are having fun – and that is what we have been doing in Ochiltree.
We have been working hard at gaining all our targets both in ASDAN and SQA as well as our IEPs. We have been working hard with our independence skills and communication but we have also had time to have fun and explore.
So what have we been up to?
Well……… some of us have been galavanting around the country trying out Skiing or swimming while others have had a go at Rebound. We have all enjoyed helping out in the garden now that Spring has sprung and lots of exploring around the community on the bikes.
We have enjoyed lots of different experiences inside too – cooking up a storm in the kitchen, making a mess in the class during messy play, joining our friends in the hall for physical activities and exploring music with Gordon.
We have all had some obstacles or new challenges to overcome this term and I am so proud of the resilience shown from all the children in the class – we could learn a thing or two from them all!
Have a fantastic holiday everyone and we look forward to new and exciting challenges ahead for the summer term.