Term 2 in Glendevon
Sorry we are a bit late putting our review of term 2 on the blog and hope that all our families and friends had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Glendevon enjoyed all of the additional festive experiences including the performance, parties, Christmas garden and winter musical parade.
As always we have been working hard throughout term 2 and continue to use our multi-sensory space for a wide variety of purposes including:
- to explore relaxation
- to immerse ourselves in our topic story (which this term has included some of the beautiful items made through exploring materials in art time)
- songs and singing utilising pupils different communication styles and methods
We hope to put together a wee video showcasing all the ways that we use the 4D room for the end of the year to share with all our parents.
Glendevon took on the roles and responsibilities of our facilities management team (Calum, John & Sandy) for International Children’s day and made sure pupil’s got their lunches, ensured paths were cleared and safe to use and daily school checks for security were carried out.
Glendevon’s eco representative has been hard at work in whole school groups throughout term 2 and focused on smaller garden spaces for Winter planting.
Glendevon boys have been exploring science concepts in messy science linked to our fashion and materials topic including; what materials to make our clothes from and what would happen to different materials when placed in water. Skills of predicting, showing preferences, retesting theories were all on display – brilliant work boys.
We are all ready for another fun filled term.