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Well I think we can all say this has been the most unusual term ever! Learning at home has been a huge challenge for everyone but I am so proud of how hard every has worked. You have risen to the challenge  and have all been superstars (including the parents). One of my highlights has been the virtual Sports Day challenges, where Jackson won a few of the events. We have also benefited from lots of lovely weather so have been able to take lots of our learning outside. As a staff we have loved keeping in contact with you through the Learning Journals and with our videos we have made. It has been fantastic to see some of the experiences you have had at home.  The Campsie team are all going to miss each and every one of you so much as you move on to your new schools for Primary 1 and we wish you all the best. Have a super summer!

All our love Susan, Tracey, Nicole, Shonet and Ashley

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