Beatlie Fairtrade Cafe
Beatlie Fairtrade Café
It is with regret that Beatlie will not be opening their doors for the Fairtrade Café just yet!
Do not fret – the café will come to you!
Friday 25th February
All classes will be making a Tray Bake of their choice using at least 1 Fairtrade product in their ingredients. We will be designing our own label for the product and it’s packaging which will allow us to send the goodies home for you to enjoy with a good Fairtrade coffee or Tea together with friends and family.
This year the focus is on Fairtrade and Climate Action and throughout the week you can have a look at the blog to find out more on the issues affecting people all over the world due to Climate Change and why Fairtrade is so important!
If you would like to donate to Fairtrade this week please send any monies in with your child in an envelope.
Thank you