Ochiltree Term 1
October already!!!
We cannot believe how quickly the first term has passed – and how much we have squeezed into the time we have had!
Of course much of it was getting to know our new school and environment- and we are loving it. We have been so lucky to get to experience so much outside with the weather on our side. The children are experiencing all the wonderful playground resources as well as the natural environment and of course the bikes and wheelchair track. We have also been busy doing some Autumn gardening and hopefully we will have lovely blooms in the spring to bring some colour to our class garden areas.
Moving inside and we have been trying out all the lovely new equipment and areas around the school – a favourite being the multi-sensory!
We have all been working hard on our life skills and Asdan qualifications through fun and meaningful activities. We are enjoying lots of interaction with the senior class and utilising our secondary area for getting together for snack, dinner and cross class activities.
We will continue to keep you updated in all we do through our Learners Journals but don’t forget to check Twitter and the Blog for whole school updates.
We wish you a happy holiday and look forward to continuing into the next term with new challenges ahead.